So far this is one of the best new television series of 2008.
Amanda Tapping (STARGATE) portrays Dr Helen Magnus, a hundred and forty year old woman who provides sanctuary for all the strange beings in the world, whether they be deadly or benign. In the first episode she approaches Dr. Will Zimmerman (Robin Dunne of SPECIES 3) to work for her and he takes a lot of convincing. Magnus had saved his life when he was a child, though his mother was killed by a monster. There's Emilie Ullerup as Magnus' daughter, Ashley, who has violent tendencies. Unbeknownst to her, this is an inherited trait, as her father is John Druitt, this sort of energy vampire who was Jack the Ripper back in the late 1800's. In the first few episodes they rescue a trio of witches in Scotland, who are encased in stone coffins and in FOLDING MAN, encounter a subspecies of human who can literally fold themselves into very tight spaces.
The special effects are almost seamless and I love that Bigfoot is one of the sanctuary's staff.