Satans Cheerleaders (1976)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
Ah yes, one from the good ole mid 70's! These high school cheerleaders are red hot & all very easy on the eyes. Loved seeing them chased about here and there, Hell, even their coach is hot! Poor girls get stranded in Satans back country thanks to that horny satanic janitor. It's all fun from their in as boobs booble and asses jiggle for well over an hour. Gotta be careful of those cults out there. This whole town was in on the scheme. Of course when the time comes Satan rejects this sad lot of human waste and invests his power into the hottest of the cheerleaders. Who wouldn't? No gore to see but, the film is just fun to watch. Makes you look at cheerleaders in the same sleazy way you did before you watched it.
Rating: 10.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total