"Satan's Children" isn't the best of the 70s satanic-cult drive-in trash films, but it's certainly not worthless.
A teenage boy becomes frustrated with his dickhead dad and his stepsister's sexual advances so he splits into town where he meets a seemingly friendly biker who offers him a place to stay. Turns out the room and board ain't free-of-charge, so to speak, as his helpful new friend turns out to be a homo-perv who holds the kid at knife point while calling his buddies over for a ol' fashion man-rape party. After their done railing the boy's ass all night, they dump him near a commune full of hippie satanists. Off the bat, the kid's getting some action off of the cult-leaders chick who is later buried up to her neck, doused in syrup and left for the ants. There's the usual semi-nude broad tied up and sacrificed and some morons praying to a phony looking goat head.
The film really doesn't go anywhere once we get to the satanic cult. The kid eventually escapes in his tightie-whities and a couple of goons coming after him fall into quick sand. He then returns home, gives his old man some payback, offers his bitch sister up to the cult and seemingly lives happily ever after with the chick with ants stuck to her face. I really didn't get it. Not enough structure or general POINT to to "Satan's Children". It's got the partial incest angle and some homophobic goofiness which were kinda entertaining, but overall you can probably pass on this one.