Movie Review by The Gravedigger
What a pile of horse manure. In this stereotypical story, stereotypical characters taunt the stereotypical nerd, who, of course, wants revenge like CARRIE. He also looks like Eminem. One day he finds his alcoholic trailer-trash mother banging some redneck-and the hillbilly is so upset he chases the kid into the nearby cornfield and strangles him to death. Before you can say 'resurrection', the boy's spirit goes into the scarecrow and the killings begin. One by one he slays all the people who made fun of him. Okay. First of all, the writer should get forty lashes. As with 95% of Killer Scarecrow movies made, this is a rehash of the classic The DARK NIGHT OF THE SCARECROW. Second, all of the characters appear to be the same age-in fact, the nerdy kid's mother looks the same age as he does. Third, a LOT of the camera shots are out of focus-maybe it was the DP's first movie or something. You get what you pay for. And last but not least there is absolutely no consistency between the nerd and the scarecrow and they're supposed to be the same person! They act totally different from each other! The only good thing that happened with this movie is that it ended! Brought to you by the people at York Video.
Rating: 6.5 out of 10.0 - 13 votes cast total