Movie Review by The Undertaker
Can you believe we get a 3rd installment? Mix The Ring, 8 Mile, and Signs lampoons with a dirty spoon and you get this. Toss in Pam Anderson, George Carlin, Charlie Sheen, and Leslie Neilsen and it feels more like Naked Gun than Scary movie thanks to David Zucker's fun direction. The shit was pretty fun in spots, but I missed the Wayans Bros. Touches. Plenty of over-the-top laughs, but not quite as dirty as the 1st two to me, will keep you rolling. Three doesn't get as funny as two, but it's cool and Leslie Neilsen is President, so how bad can that be. I saw it for $2, so I had no reason not to enjoy. The movies cracked on were cracked on hard and we even get a slight Texas Chainsaw barb near the end. Is it just me or are Pam's tits looking kinda funky these days?
Rating: 5.7 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total