Movie Review by The Drug Stuffed Corpse
Directed by Brent Piper
When a pervy, voyeuristic, and domineering photographer is the most affable character in a film, there are two different avenues that can be taken: a debauched torture-fest of sex and gore, or predictably it could end up like The Screaming Dead. Photoperv and his gaggle of models enter a haunted house for a film shoot. Unfortunately (for both Photoperv and the audience) a fuckface alpha-male, testosterone-junkie comes along to ensure the property, where the shoot is to take place, isn't damaged; and again, unfortunately, this annoying fuckface does not succumb to beatings, tortures, rapes, castration, eardrum puncturing, teeth removal, skin flensing or a quartering of his body, to be kept alive in blinding agony. But perhaps I am merely heaping my disgust of The Screaming Dead by proxy through this brainless schlub. Brent Piper's product is a micro-budget film that falls into the same trappings that every Hollywood blockbuster film does: they were so enamored with the CGI effects that they neglected everything else in the film; including script, torture, sex, torture, fun, torture, scares, torture, or nudity. Lacking any of the preceding (like for example: torture) The Screaming Dead is still the most ambitious Seduction Cinema film to date, but it is also the most tedious. Even A-list B-movie star and in a not-quite a C-cupped Misty Mundae unknowingly acknowledges how crappy this film is and it shows in her lackluster performance. Watch Bite Me! instead...
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