Although he had his eye poked out and was seemingly killed off, the serial killer from the first film awakens in the hospital and starts slaying anew. The main characters are two morgue attendants who have feelings for each other. One is a woman (Danielle Harris) who enjoys her job, and the other is a nerdy guy hung up on her. The slaughter begins when she bails out of going to a birthday party her friends are throwing for her--and the friends show up at the hospital. They are all irritating. Things go along how you think they will, though the script tries to be different by having the guy, not the woman, make it to the end. Sort of.
This sequel is to the first movie what the original HALLOWEEN 2 was to HALLOWEEN--basically an unnecessary movie that does not add anything to the original. In fact, this really does feel like a remake of HALLOWEEN 2, which also takes place with the killer in a hospital. I'd even say that this follow-up movie may even take something away from the first movie so it's best not to watch it.