Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This action movie by director Glenn Adreiev is an extremely ambitious, low-budget DV movie, about two people who are accused of the same crime. One person is fashion model Kate Pullmann, who has a five million dollar reward posted for her capture, and the other is Robert Grill, a social worker. With police, vigilantes and a bounty hunter after them they go on the run, trying to solve what's happening to them. It's kind of like that Sandra Bullock movie from a few years ago, THE NET. The movie is well-shot, with plenty of locations (Times Square, Grand Central Station, et cetera), and Frank Franconeri does a bravura performance as Robert Grill. My only complaint is that the fashion model character, portrayed by Rosemary Gore, was totally miscast. Although not unnattractive there's no way this woman would be accepted as a fashion model--I know, I've been involved with editing the New York Fashion Shows for the past decade. I know the business. She's also the weakest actor in the entire production (particularly when up against Franconeri), which is a slight problem since she's the movie's lead. I don't know, maybe they cast her because she's related to Al Gore....
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