I like to watch this one every year if possible. The best Santa slasher in my book. This film raised one hell of a controversy when initially released & was pulled from theatres in some areas. Too bad, cause the film is pure fun! Not recommend for kids at all. Will scar anyone's outlook on Santa suits, haha. Hell, this movie has tons of great moments you'll never see in mainstream cinema again. Like the opening scene where an escaped criminal in a Santa suit rapes and kills off a kids mom while the child looks on. Scarred for life? You betcha! Can't guess what happens for the rest of the movie, huh? Has great one- liners, tits (L. Quigley's), and lots of blood. Some scenes were pretty innovative at the time and still hold up well today. The sequels really dropped the ball, but this 1st film shines on like the star of Bethlehem. Santas watching, Santas waiting...hehe great music too!