This story begins two thousand years ago on the island of Minos where the King has hidden the stolen gold head of the Colossus of Rhodes statue. However, this is also where the monstrous minotaur lives. Then we skip ahead a thousand years to Arabia, where rogue Sinbad steals a map that tells where this treasure is hidden. Of course this pisses off the sorcerer he stole it from, a bald guy who looks sort of like the Sorcerer from THE SEVENTH VOYAGE OF SINBAD. He escapes with a magical cloak, takes a former harem beauty with him and departs in his ship. Once they get to the island they go the labyrinth where many of them are killed--and seemingly kill the Minotaur when it plunges into a bottomless pit. But then the creepy inhabitants of the island begin transforming into half-bull people, which poses a larger threat.
This was better than I thought it would be and actor Manu Bennett (30 DAYS OF NIGHT, SPARTACUS: GODS OF THE ARENA) does a decent enough job portraying Sinbad, thought the New Zealand accent kept on throwing me off.