Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is a totally unnecessary remake of the Brian DePalma cult classic. It's not a terrible movie, and it does have some good moments such as the murder scene, but it's cheaper looking and not nearly as engaging as the original. Choe Sevigny is the worst actor of the bunch and while I thought the casting of Lou Doillon as Siamese twin Angelique was interesting I was too distracted trying to decide if she was homely or beautiful (you'll understand this when you're watching the movie). William B. Davis (X-FILES) is great, though he's only in a brief flashback scene. If you love the original movie this version will irritate you. If you haven't seen it then you'll find SISTERS just okay.
Director Douglas Buck is surely no Brian DePalma.
Rating: 3.7 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total