Newly released on FANGORIA's GOREZONE label this comical gore-fest is....lame. It's too much like TEXAS CHAIN MASSACRE in terms of a whacked-out family and way too much like Frank Henenlotter's BASKETCASE movies (director/writer/producer Bartalos did the effects on those), without the entertainment factor built in. After reading the lengthy self-promotion article in FANGORIA magazine I thought this would be extremely entertaining...I have no problem with low-budgets but there were far too many things I didn't like about this movie. First, all of the acting seems to be purposely bad, except for the girl who is held captive throughout. Sure, it gives the movie a surreal quality to it but after five minutes it's irritating. The murderous family are indeed all very strange-from the old creepy mother to the plate wielding dwarf to the reptilian-looking executioner-but the character of Brain wasn't pulled off very well, with the giant brain prosthetic extremely fake looking. It seemed like it was going to fall off the actor's head at any moment. I also wish the cameraman cleaned his lens more often-in just about every outside shot there are smudges on the upper left hand corner of the picture. The set design also sucked.I must say this movie was different than what I've seen lately. Too bad it sucked.