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Skinwalkers (2007)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger

Skinwalkers (2007) This sloppily-written werewolves at war movie, while it has a few good, dramatic moments fueled by a decent cast, can't overcome its mediocrity.

The premise, as told in a voice-over and scrolling words at the beginning, is that according to Navajo legend a thirteen-year-old boy will end the "curse" of the Skinwalkers. There are two groups - those who view it as a curse and tie themselves up during a full moon and those who view it as a gift and relishing killing humans and eating their flesh. The good group has been protecting the kid, the bad group has finally tracked them down, so at this point it turns into a road movie where the good guys are driving away in an RV and the bad guys are chasing them on motorcycles (Werewolves on Wheels!).

The lead bad werewolf is actor Jason Behr (ROSWELL, GRUDGE), who brings empathy to his role (and makes a damn ugly werewolf!) and the good werewolf is his brother, Elias Koteas (THE PROPHECY). There's also Sarah Carter (SMALLVILLE eps), who portrays Koteas' daughter, who is turned into a bad werewolf.

The werewolves themselves are the upright, WOLFMAN-type creatures, who remain in their clothes. Which is disappointing after seeing the werewolves in movies like DOG SOLDIERS and UNDERWORLD.

There are lots of problems with the movie, the biggest one being that the writers can't decide if this is a supernatural curse or a biological curse. The myth of the Skinwalker is told at the beginning - and later someone explains that it "mutated" into the form it is today. Well, according to Indian myth the Skinwalkers could transform into any animal - and here it just seems to be a wolf. The boy is supposed to be the cure, which happens during the end of a red full moon - and how he cures the disease or whatever it is, is not supernatural. Also, if this is such a big deal of killing the child why did the big bad wolves only send in four werewolves to kill him? He's kept in an isolated town - all of them should have attacked. It's dumb. But the thing that bugged me the most is that the werewolves become bad if they taste a human. In the end, one of the good werewolves bites another werewolf and tastes his blood - and he becomes bad. But he didn't bite a human, as it's repeatedly mentioned that werewolves aren't human. Dumb. The movie also has an open-ending, which seems like the cue for a television series to pick up. Please, no one make this into a werewolf tv series (WOLF LAKE is much better!).

If anything, I'd wait for dvd to rent this out, and only if you're a big lycanthrope fan.

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