Movie Review by The Undertaker
At first glance, I was expecting and seeing another SOV cut-em-up that looked shittily filmed at best. Fortunately, the movie ended up being a lot better than my initial reaction gave it credit for. This thing had plenty of gore, some pretty damn brutal, such as the chick whose legs get removed outside the sorority house via meat clever. Slasher did move a bit slow, but it seems to work fine as we find out the truth is far worse than just a serial killer with a meat clever fetish. There are a lot more people involved. A lot of body parts get missing as well. The movie is a bit darkly lit at times which I felt helped more than hurt. Ending wise, I would have liked to have seen a little more of the aftermath, but can't have it all can ya? The sheriff's little walk in the woods to investigate the goings on turns out to be a fairly decent scare. Slasher was above average for the most part, for an SOV anyway. Newsflash, at least for me! This movie is actually the video retitle of the 1985 video Blood Cult which was one of the very 1st made on video horror movies. Maybe that's why it's actaully decent and gory!
Rating: 3.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total