"Slime City" is in no way the best in the 'melt-movie' genre - a spot reserved for the mighty cult-goo-fest "Street Trash", though this one fits in fine as a cheap B-splatter flick.
A slightly effeminate art student moves into haggard old apartment building where he soon meets a few of the 'excentrics' that happen to be his neighbors. While having dinner with some "West Side Story" reject, our guy gets hooked on some strange elixir and multi-colored ecto-plasm that transforms him into a murderous, leaky, pus dripping mutant. For some reason, he has to kill at least one person every time he undergoes the gooey transformation, though he desperately wants to reverse his affliction since the entire apartment building happens to be a cult of body snatchers who want him to join in...
In all, "Slime City" is entertaining low-budget splatter crap. The effects are pretty poor, but appropriately nasty at times - especially during the big ending. If you want better melting flesh effects, check out "Street Trash", "Body Melt" or "The Stuff". If you like this kind of shit, give "Slime City" a go and enjoy.