Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This sequel, produced by Jack Harris and directed by Larry Hagman (J.R Ewing!) is a movie decades ahead of its time. Featuring cameos by Gerritt Graham, Cindy Williams, Burgess Meredith and Carol Lynley, the movie consists of a series of disparate scenes that at first come off like sitcom episodes, most ending with the characters getting eaten by the Blob. The combination of the two different styles is unsettling, as you don't really expect it. Just when you start liking a character they are killed. In the first movie the big scene was when the blob invaded a movie theater-here, it is a bowling alley. This movie is what a sequel should be-something very different from the original. SON OF THE BLOB is an extremely quirky movie.
Rating: 6.7 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total