Spring Break Adventure, The (1999)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Spring Break Adventure: In this Chapter Six, a sixteen-year-old Indy and his girlfriend, Nancy Stratemeyer, visit the lab of inventor Thomas Edison-and stumble upon a plot to steal the plans for an electric battery that would put the oil companies out of business. At first they think the Germans are involved but Nancy, a very inquisitive and investigative young woman, figures out otherwise. It's also funny to see Indy much more hesitant to get into the action, with his girlfriend taking the lead. It turns out that she is the daughter of the author who created the Nancy Drew mystery novels-and it's assumed he based the character on his daughter.Then, during Spring Break, Indy and his father, Henry, go to visit relatives in New Mexico. Indy and his cousin decide to visit a border town-and Indy gets kidnapped by Poncho Villa and encounters a young George Patten, who is someone you just don't want to mess with. But after hanging out with the revolutionaries Indy realizes that it isn't his revolution-and in the end decides to head off to Europe and WWI with his Belgian friend Remy.
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