Next to STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT, this is the best STAR TREK movie made. I am not exaggerating.
My favorite STAR TREK episodes tend to be the time-travel ones and this is a doozy. The premise is that a renegade Romulan by the name of Nero has gone back in time, because of an accident that destroyed Romulus, and tries to destroy Vulcan and Earth as revenge, as he holds Ambassador Spock responsible. In the opening sequence George Kirk is killed shortly after encountering Nero, and this starts an alternate timeline in which Kirk is a bit more out of control, presumably because he had no father figure. I had my reservations about another actor trying to fill William Shatner's shoes as Kirk--but actor Chris Pine not only fills those shoes but kicks them off after a while.
While the events and circumstances of the characters are changed this movie is still very true to the heart of them. The different relationship between Spock and his father, Sarek, as well as Spock's interaction with Uhura takes on all that much more meaning when you consider the Spock of original timeline.
It was entertaining and fascinating to see these familiar characters say familiar lines in totally different circumstances. This is definitely the best way to re-invigorate the franchise and introduce a whole new generation to STAR TREK.