Engrossing little movie that really delivers the goods. Call it a "supernatural slasher movie"---of special interest to those wanting to make it in the movie biz. Alex Essoe plays aspiring actress Sarah, who goes to the daily auditions like cattle to the slaughter ---rarely making a dent to live her dream. To make ends meet, Sarah works a humiliating Hooters-ish job that feels like she sold her soul. She hangs around a group of druggy friends that WANT to make movies but never seem to do anything. The guys expect her to sleep with them to appear in their little video flicks and the gals are jealous, vindictive competitors, always trying to bring Sarah down and/or steal her parts (and happiness). Pretty depressing scenario. Sarah is self-destructive and pulls clumps of her hair out when things don't go her way, and when an audition group sees her do this, they want to see more. The tryout for a low budget slasher movie leads to a big moment where Sarah meets an old, wealthy producer and must decide whether to please him orally or miss out on the part. At first, she relents, but returning to her old life with a dead-end job and deadbeat friends, she concedes. While sucking down the producer's seed, a mysterious cult comes to watch and enjoy (ROSEMARY'S BABY style) and Sarah must go through hurtles to become something new---a creature of success, and part of the cult. She goes through a bizarre transformation where her old body dies and she sheds her old skin, then must make a blood sacrifice of her friends to the group to complete the "becoming." A smart movie, very gory and disturbing, and Alex Essoe really shines in the acting department. Plus, she shows the goods at the end of the movie (FINALLY!) after teasing us the first hour---suddenly, it's like she loses her inhibitions, and that's a good thing. This movie sticks with you long after it's over, especially if you're an aspiring artist. How far would you go for success? Also has a sly commentary on Hollywood and how it's run by bloodsucking Scientologist types that require you to be in their group or "you're out." Definitely a decent movie if you like the Satanic cult aspect mixed in with slasher/gore, and a dash of Lynch/Cronenberg. Not too shabby! But not as good as the other big indie Satanic cult movie that hit not long ago, HOUSE OF THE DEVIL. But kinda sorta in that style!