Stendahl Syndrome, The (2000)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
An Italian policewoman, on the trail of a serial killer/rapist, becomes engrossed in a hallucinatory world brought upon by viewing great works of art. One moment she's looking at a painting, the next moment she is INSIDE the same painting. It is the condition that connects her to the serial killer she pursues, as he has this disorder as well. What this has to do with him being a serial killer or her being able to capture him I have no idea but it makes for some fascinating visuals. What starts off as an extremely interesting film with a dream within a dream within a dream feel, utterly screwing with what exactly is the film's 'reality' Argento's film sadly turns into another predictable and worse, boring serial killer movie. Although there are some graphic moments, such as when he shoots a woman through the side of the head and you see the bullet going on its journey, these effects seem to be there only for the sake of having up to date computer effects. To compound the problem, the heroine, portrayed by Asia Argento (the director's daughter) has all the charisma of...a plate of pasta.
Rating: 6.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total