Strange Things Happen at Sundown (2003)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Just when you think you've seen every sort of vampire scenario along comes this movie, which has everything from vampire gangsters to Dracula (aka THE REAPER) as a hitman. The main story revolves around a hundred thousand dollars which is ripped off from Jimmy Fangs and his gang by this vampire named Marcel. Marcel and his girlfriend Amy are on the run for another crime as well.Well, this doesn't sit too well with Jimmy Fangs so he hires 'The Reaper' to hunt them down. Turns out that this guy is really Dracula. And he is one mean vampire. There is also a lone vampire woman who is intent on killing Marcel as well, for revenge, since he had changed her into a vamp a year before.There are massive amounts of bitings, people screaming, intestines and organs ripped out, more people screaming, fountains of blood-and yes, yet more people screaming as they are eaten. If you're looking for gore shop no more.STRANGE THINGS HAPPEN AT SUNDOWN is the best vampire movie I've seen this past year since SLEEPLESS NIGHTS (MTI).Now available for rental at your video store from Brain Damage films.
Rating: 6.6 out of 10.0 - 8 votes cast total