Just the way I like my giallos - plenty of violence, naked women, and sleazy characters with cartoonish voice-over dubbing. "Strip Nude for Your Killer" hits a home-run in every department if you ask me. It starts out with a woman dying during an abortion. The shady doctor calls for some help to assist in the 'cover-up' of her accidental death which just entails setting her in a bathtub... Of course, this comes into play again later on, though the rest of the film is pretty much your typical fashion model hack-fest carried out by a switchblade slasher in a leather jumpsuit and motorcycle helmet. The scrawny physique definitely narrows down the possible suspects which was nice considering I'm no goddamn Encyclopedia Brown but DO enjoy 'interacting' with the mystery aspect at times. The illustrious Edwige Fenech - sporting a short and sassy looking European hair-do - headlines the flick and pops the ol' top more than once. She doesn't do much other than fuck the aggressively narcissistic photographer and strut around nude. Another character I couldn't get enough of was the fat, obnoxious prick who wanted so bad to 'make it' with one of the models that when he finally gets the proverbial green light, loses his drive. Couldn't help but feel a little a little empathy for the bastard slumming around his house in his underwear with his limp blow-up-doll and bruised ego before finally getting knifed... Good stuff! The death scenes aren't anything phenomenal, but a few aftermath glimpses show victims missing a dick or a breast which is always cool. I liked how there weren't any big lulls in between the kill scenes, either... So, "Strip Nude for Your Killer" is an enjoyable giallo sleaze-fest packed with hot chicks, stabbing, and other such giallo goodness... Recommended.