Survivors: Season Three (1976)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This third season is very different from season two, which was about the establishment of a community. Here, that same group of survivors is out and about, exploring the nearby settlements of varying groups of people after their own community burns down.
Charles Vaughn and Jenny are very much the main characters here. The almost bad guy, Hubert, also plays a pivotal role, taking a much more active part in the adventures. I found it very interesting how the characters have changed from year to year.
Only two episodes deal with Greg Preston, who was the main character in season two. The first is when he discovers a group of children trying to survive on their own, sort of like LORD OF THE FLIES with a twist, and the other is when he is almost stabbed to death, only to survive and contract a deadly strain of Smallpox. But even though he's not around his reputation has grown and Charles and Jenny use him as a sort of leader when talking about restructuring civilization.
The series ends when they make it to the Scottish Highlands, where there are the largest number of survivors, estimated at a hundred thousand people. They also get a hydro-power plant working and Jenny gets a new love-interest in the form of the engineer who repairs it.
I liked the first two seasons better but this was a good way to end the series.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - 0 votes cast total