Survivors: Season Two (1975)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is some months after the end of the the first season, with Jenny
very pregnant with Greg's child. The community seems very stable until there's a fire and many of the season one cast is killed off, including the crippled guy. They go and hook up with a nearby community run by Charles Vaughn, who is often at heads with Greg. They are both leaders and there's not room for two leaders in the community.
There's a trip to London, which is very post-apocalyptic, with some rat attacks, and these are my favorite episodes of the entire 3 seasons. It turns out there are about 500 survivors in London and they all live near a Stadium, in which they grow crops. They have electricity, so they have electric fences all around, to keep out the rats. However, the doctor who runs the community dies and the man who takes over is power hungry and tries to prevent our main characters from leaving.
There's also a crotchety old man, a sheppard, who basically replaces the void left by Price's death. This is Hubert, and he causes a lot of trouble, particularly when he starts stalking one of the women in the community.
At the end of season two they find a hot air balloon and it's occupant dead when it crashed. However, the guy's daughter is still alive and they find her. Her and her father are from Norway, where there's still hydro-electric plants that are working. They are looking for engineers to help them maintain the facilities--and also to get food, as the people in Norway are starving. Greg decides to go back to Norway with the woman, much to Jenny's dismay, to help re-establish some sort of larger society.
Rating: 10.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total