Tale of Two Sisters, A (2004)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Although the 'twist' ending seemed obvious after the first fifteen minutes of this movie, it's still worth checking out for its sheer strangeness.Two sisters return from a stay at a mental institution to join their father and his new wife. It's alluded to that their stay in the hospital had something to do with the death of their mother. The older sister has problems with the new wife. She thinks that she beats the younger, shyer sister, and so tries to protect her sibling. The father doesn't have much of a reaction to anything. As the movie progresses and the older sister starts having these strange flashbacks and dreams, we're taken on a strange journey to insanity.Because of the subtitles and slow-pacing I'd recommend renting this out only if you're not impatient.
Rating: 8.4 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total