This movie begins with a heart being harvested from a donor and transplanted into a new guy, Terry Bernard. Then it goes to five months later where he's in his bathroom, taking the regiment of anti-rejection drugs. He takes his daughter to her doctor, Elizabeth (Lena Headey), and we learn that the kid has a progressive bone disease.
Terry asks her out, something she's clearly been waiting for. Then, when he sees a paramedic passing by in the hallway he has a weird flashback, as if reliving a memory. But it's not HIS memory. When he goes to his own doctor for a checkup and is waiting in the room he looks through the medical records and finds the name of his donor.
He ends up killing two guys, one of them that paramedic, who may be responsible for the death of his donor. But every time he tries to tell someone what he's done, whether going to the police or confiding to his new girlfriend Elizabeth, his heart starts acting up.
His new heart has a life of its own and it wants revenge...
TELL TALE is a very well constructed movie, sort of an improvement on BODY PARTS.
Josh Lucas gives an amazing performance as the poor sap who has to deal with all this stuff happening to him and it's a different sort of part for Lena Headey. I am telling you to rent this tale.