Terror out of the Sky (1979)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
Remember all those crazy killer insect films from the late 70's? Ants, Spiders, & bees, none of them could be trusted anymore. They were out to get us. Terror is a sequel to 'The Savage Bees'. Both movies were pretty good. The bee attacks in this flick were decent, the make-up being a little more gruesome than say 'The Swarm'. Still, all these films were more laughs than scares. It's just funny to watch people scared shitless over bugs, even killer bees. The hokey dialog had me rolling. Then, there was the wonderful acting of Grizzly Adams. This movie also contains probably the single worst school bus boarding scene in history. You'd think a group of boy scouts would at least be prepared to get on a damn bus when chased by a swarm of bees. The sad ending was actually a tearjerker. Luckily, none of the bees escaped. Did they?
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