John Carpenter's film of paranoia and government conspiracy complete with aliens brain washing us to the point of them hiding in plain sight is a pretty good film. I guess this was Rowdy Roddy's first movie, as he plays a drifting down on his luck worker who learns a truth he really doesn't wanna know. Kinda like the last few years of his wrestling career were all foreshadowed here folks. He wears a semi-mullet, delivers the silliest of lame one-liners without even blinking and becomes the reluctant hero to save earth. Not bad for a former pro wrestler, remember all this shit was way before Jesse the body became governor. No real horror, gore, or scary moments here, but the thickening plot and strange looking aliens kept me happy enough between Rowdy Roddy sightings. The film was based on a fairly famous short story, so there is a message in here somewhere. Nothing that will rival Halloween on Carpenter's resume, but it's fun and the whole conspiracy thing does make sense. Where can I get those damn glasses anyway?