By now I think most horror fans have seen this movie, in one form or another. If not, you really need to get on it. John Carpenter is a brilliant director in his own right, you gotta admit that the man loves what he does. Always writing phenomenal movie scores, The Thing being NO exception, John Carpenter's movies are always a delight for me. The Thing offers everything for horror fans. It has killer effects, plenty of gore, mystery, desolation, mutilated puppies, the works. Kurt Russell did another great job for Carpenter in this film, also starring in Escape From New York. (Yeah I know you knew that) This movie was, of course, a remake but still held it's own in originality. The effects were beautiful for the time and the end shot of the creature is still amazing to me. I still love to watch people's reactions when the defibulator goes into that guys' chest, and the spider/head creature is still my favorite scene. I say if you have not seen this movie, make it a priority right away.