Thriller: The Terror in Teakwood (1960)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Leonie (Hazel Court) is married to pianist Vladimir Vicek, who is determined to play music created by his arch rival Carnovitz. Yet only Carnovitz was able to play the tune-and he's now dead. Vicek chooses to seclude himself while he's practicing on his piano-and oftentimes leaves the room as if he'd been attacked by someone.The first time we are introduced to Vicek he's paying off a grave attendant in order to take something from Carnovitz's crypt. We don't know what it is, exactly, and it's kept in this small teakwood box. It's later revealed that he has stolen his rival's hands-and is able to slip them over his own, as if they were gloves. Once on, he's able to play Carnovitz's music.Disembodied hand movies have always given me the creeps-from BEAST WITH FIVE FINGERS to Thing from THE ADDAMS FAMILY-so that was a plus for this episode.
Rating: 8.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total