Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This PLANET OF THE APES influenced Japanese film, while interesting, pales in comparison with any other APES movie. Young brother and sister Johnny and Caroline go to visit their uncle's lab. He's been experimenting with freezing animals and people and then bringing them back to life. His assistant is a young woman, Catherine. When an earthquake strikes the two kids and Catherine take for cover in the freeze capsules and get frozen. They awaken in a country run by apes and monkeys. In terms of make-up, they are along the lines of the Simians from SPECTRE MAN. The soldiers take them out and are about to kill them and they get away, making their way to Green Mountain. It's here that they run into another human, Godo, who protects them. The head of the ape police wants to kill Godo because he believes he's responsible for the death of his wife and child. He, in fact, tried to save them, and it was other Apes who killed his son. There's also a huge flying saucer that flies about and monitors things, run by an computer. In the end, they end up going back into the capsules and sent back to their own time, which is a lame ending. I've been curious about seeing this movie since I was a kid and well, it was disappointing.
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