The story begins in 1981 in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere, where Norma (Nichole Hiltz), a beautiful young woman, is excited about going on a date with her new boyfriend. He is much wealthier than her neighbors and seems to care about her. But she's interrupted by the trailer park trash who hold her down and accidentally kill her boyfriend, who is impaled on a fence post. Distraught, she walks away and encounters a mysterious man who is clearly The Devil in a cowboy hat (Trace Adkins). He hands her a shotgun, which she soon uses. She kills everyone in the trailer park and lights the gas main. Everything burns to the ground. Then, in 2008, a group of bible study kids get in an accident one stormy night and stumble upon this isolated trailer park which is inhabited by Norma and other characters from 1981. Norma still looks to be the same age but she's clearly not a ghost. When some of the rednecks show up, sans flesh, it's clear they are more or less zombies. And they go after the kids one by one, doing the devil's bidding.
This is a fun anthology movie, along the lines of CREEPSHOW and TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE. Recommended.