Movie Review by The Gravedigger
In the early 90's a scientist (Dennis Hopper) discovers that a comet is on a collision course with Earth's moon and that for all practical purposes humanity will be wiped out. No one believes him so he takes it upon himself to build an underground sanctuary out in the Sierras. Ten years later, just days before the comet is to hit, a tabloid reporter receives a mysterious call-and told to investigate what's going on. It turns out that the call is from a long ago friend of his, who wants to save his life. But the friend didn't know he had married-and is expecting a child. There's also a rebellion happening in the complex. So the last third of the movie revolves around the tired old argument of 'who gives you the right to pick and choose who survives', which I think I've seen in dozens of sci-fi disaster movies. And it's just stupid. The one redeeming quality of the movie is Hopper's performance-he's MUCH more effective as a sympathetic character than he is a villain.
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