Movie Review by The Spastic Cannibal
One of Joe Spinell's last on-screen appearances and it's a bit of a sadistic doozy, though it doesn't nearly live up to the shotgun blasting, subway stalking, mannequin loving maniac he made famous in the 1980 William Lustig classic. "The Undertaker" finds Spinell playing a deranged mortician whose necrophilia practices and serial murders are being investigated thanks to his nosey nephew and an anthropology teacher who seriously spends the entire movie wondering out loud whether or not she should call the cops... Stupid bitch! YES! There's really not much more going on than that. Joe's got his trademark heavy breathing going on and makes some looney faces here n' there, but most of the time appears incredibly intoxicated which, apparently, was not uncommon behavior for Mr. Spinell. God I miss him! Unfortunately, aside from Joe's quirky performance, this film leaves a lot to be desired. Many of the deaths and gore are off-screen, no corpse fucking is shown, the acting sucks, and the copy I saw looked terrible (though I've heard Code Red is handling an upcoming DVD release).
"The Undertaker" is a highly obscure little slasher flick that hardcore Spinell fans should track down, but otherwise it's nothing special.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - 0 votes cast total