This third installment of 'John Carpenter's VAMPIRES' franchise is much better than the second, not as good as the first, which is to be expected, considering the lower budget and unknown actors. As a stand-alone vampire movie, it's decent & different enough. A young couple is on vacation in Thailand. After they attend a local kickboxing match, which the woman clearly is repulsed by, she decides that their relationship isn't working out-and decides to leave him. Before he can go after her she's abducted by a gang of vampires that haunt the area. He follows and is attacked by a few of the bloodsuckers and is saved at the last minute by a mysterious sword wielding man who tells him to go home and forget about his girlfriend. OF course, he doesn't listen, and finds himself drawn into this battle between two vampire factions. The one that has abducted the woman is the evil gang, who like to prey upon humans. The gang the sword guy belongs to don't drink human blood and try to protect the humans. They've formed an uneasy alliance with the local vampire bounty hunters to get rid of the other faction.The goal of the 'good' vampires is to put their leader, who looks like a young woman, to rest after 800 years-and by doing so everyone of the vampires created from her bloodline will become mortal again. This gives our main character an excuse to temporarily become a vampire and try to rescue his girlfriend, which he ultimately does.The effects are good and the movie is fast paced. It brought to mind Hammer's THE SEVEN BROTHERS MEET DRACULA, which I also find quite entertaining.