Well, I am sure by now you have read the reviews of my cohorts... and they trashed this one as bad as I have seen them trash anything in quite some time. Even after reading their reviews, I still had a desire to see this flick.. although the hype of it kept me from going to the theater to see it. So... DVD to the rescue. I know I will take a beating from The Gravedigger and The Undertaker for this.. but I actually quite enjoyed this movie. Granted this really didn't qualify as a horror flick to me.. more of an action/adventure type romp.. but I still got into it. I don't know if I was in a good mood when I watched this, or if I had smoked too much crack or what.. but I was able to look past all the plausibility issues and the major wrenches it threw into the tractor of these classic horror creatures as we know them.. and find it enjoyable. I saw it as a new twist in the story of Dracula, Frankenstein and even Werewolf lore. I think maybe I did not take the traditions of the creatures so seriously as alot of people who saw this film did and disliked it... or maybe I was just horny and Kate Beckensale was getting it done for me. The anatomically incorrect vampire chicks sure weren't. I am not normally one who goes for these big-budget blockbusters.. but it does appear they spent a good portion of the $200 million actually making the movie. The sets were good, the effects were nice... although a bit overdone.. and the action was pretty lively. The acting was pretty good for the most part... even Huge Jackman did a good job. Sure there was a good amount of straying from the norm on the stories of these creatures.. and sure most of it was unbelievable... but we are talking vampires, werewolves and quilty monsters made of men. Some people hated it, I dug it. If you haven't seen it... then I recommend doing so and see which side of the iron clad fence you fall on.