I am a big fan of M. Night Shyamalan's past films, but I have to say he let me down on this one. I was pretty excited to have a chance see this after enjoying his other films so well, but damn... what happened? His other films had lots of twists and turns in them.. most of which you did not see coming until the last moment. That was not the case with The Village. The few twists and turns were pretty lame and they were telegraphed more than a Neil O'Donnell pass. Here we have a village where people are living like it is the 1800's, in a cult-like atmosphere with oppression being served up for every meal. The elders here keep people in check and at home with tales of wild beastlike creatures that stalk the woods around them... noone is allowed to leave the village to venture into the sinful towns. I felt a little insulted by some of the crap in this movie... mostly by the fact that these people were living like puritan pilgrims out in the middle of nowhere, yet their houses had electricity. I could go on, but I do not want to spoil it for people who still want to see this stinker. If you are a Shyamalan fan... and just have to see this.. might I recommend a six pack of cheap beer with which to wash it down.