Voltron: Defender of the Universe Volumes 1-3 (2007)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
DVD technologies' greatest advantage in the last few years has been all the great series that have been brought back to life and compiled for fans. So many great TV shows and movies have been dug up that at times it makes one almost giddy. When I saw these Voltron Tin Can sets, I was amazed. I didn't believe that some one had put together this great anime stuff in such a cool way. These pressed metal tins look awesome and colors match the different colored lion ships from the series. Four and Five should be out in the near future, but these three are great for now. You get special features, remastered sound and picture and all the cool shit that is Voltron; one of the most remembered and loved imports from Japan that kids ever saw on TV. How can you not love five lion-shaped ships (vehicles) that combine to form one big- ass ass-kicking robot? You can't. This DVD set is well worth the dough and luckily easy to grab so a whole new bunch of brats can learn important life skills, like fighting evil, flying a lion ship, wearing ugly uniforms, and begging for money to buy the last to sets of this series. Voltron rules over power rangers and don't you forget it, so get all 5. They 80's were great weren't they? Voltron is something cool to expose kids to as opposed to Michael Jackson who is not, but will try and expose himself to kids. Maybe Voltron should come stomp his ass too!
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total