I have been anticipating seeing this flick for a while... and now that I have finally seen it... I was very pleased. Wasn't sure whether I would like Tom Cruise in this role, but despite his frighteningly large teeth... he did a good job. This version was much better than the straight-to-video stinker from this year that had the more teethy Jake Busey. I am sure we are all familiar with the H.G. Wells story that this is based on, but I will touch on the main plot points. Cruise is a hard-working divorced father of two children, and while they are staying with him some odd lightning storms make their way into town... bringing life to some giant alien machines underground. These machines begin to annihilate everything in their paths in an attempt to eradicate the human species from the earth. They flee the city to escape the creatures, only to be followed by the destruction. They must attempt to not only survive, but to also take down the alien tripods. The acting in this film was very effective, and the effects were top of the line. The ending was a little week, but that did not really surprise me or anyone familiar with the story. Still, this was a very good movie and should be seen by all.