This animated sequel to H.G. Well's martian invasion story begins with a recap of that book while setting the tone with a version of a somber Moody Blues song. During this title sequence we're introduced to a boy who has lost his parents to the aliens. Then, it cuts to 18 years later. The word is a much different place, much more advanced than our history. Over 140 million people were killed during the invasion--so they've been preparing for a possible second one. The science department, led by Tesla, has unlocked Martian technology and humanity has reaped the benefits. The Secretary of War is Teddy Rosevelt. A military group called Aries, which he leads, consists of the best soldiers of Earth's armies. After Tesla holds a meeting that the Martians may indeed be starting another invasion he reveals the weapon to battle them-- giant robots that are controlled by human pilots. But just as humans have advanced in weapons so have the Martians, who are more deadly. Will humanity be killed off or find a way to defeat the aliens?
This is one of the best movies I've seen this year and a worthy sequel to the original Classic novel. Highly recommended.