Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This Dario Argento produced horror movie, inspired by THE WAX MUSEUM, covers the familiar territory explored by the earlier film versions and adds an odd sci-fi element that reminded me of CRONOS. A horribly burned museum curator adds new statues to his collection by transforming his victims into wax dummy's. There's only one catch--in doing so he has put them in a half-life state--in one scene when a woman accidently knocks into one of the 'dummies' she sees the wax figure blink. Horribly burned in an accident years before, when he caught his wife having an affair, this crazed scientist has managed to resurrect himself via electricity and what appears to be an early cybernetic process which makes him resemble a skeleton covered by an exoskeleton. His wax disguise simply doesn't cover his scars--it is basically all his flesh. Although the film's English dubbing is attrocious and the ending is a bit ludicrous as it gets into TERMINATOR robot territory the disturbing special effects and beautiful set design succeed in making it entirely watcheable.
Rating: 8.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total