Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is an anthology tykpe movie about the William Emery Institute for Research and Development, a strange scientific organization where everyone is trying to double-cross each other and there are lots of surprises. One story is about a ruthless scientist who kills his colleagues in order to study a deadly virus. Another concerns a woman doctor who wants to have a child, though her aging scientist husband wants anything but. She creates a youth serum-and eventually uses it to her advantage so she indeed gets rid of her husband and obtains a child at the same time. And then there's another scientist who plans to get revenge on another through his knowledge of robotics. The movie is a bit slow at times, as compared to TALES FROM THE CRYPT shorts, yet could have been an interesting seriesIf it had been picked up by some network. Directed by Bill Malone (CREATURE, HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL (remake))
Rating: 8.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total