Werewolf And The Yeti, The (1975)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
Another Highly entertaining film from Paul Naschy, the Spanish werewolf king! Every one of these films I see I like better than the next. This one gives you not only werewolves, naked vampire chicks, and an evil princess, but also some goofing looking Yeti! Lots of naked r -rated sex & cool bloodlettings abound in this movie. The werewolf make-up is pretty cool for a budget and not much different than the yeti's, haha. Next time you go on an expedition to Tibet, make sure you explore every cave, so you can get to bang some hot vampire girls, just like our hero did. Do all Spanish chicks have nipples like these? I sure hope so! Of course our werewolf has a brain and a heart & manages to save the heroine from getting humped by a hairy Yeti. Good all around family entertainment!
Rating: 9.7 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total