Movie Review by The Undertaker
You might also remember this as It Came... Without Warning. Either way, this movie is sweet and deserves some credit as giving the whole predator idea a turn way before that movie was made. This humanoid looking alien with the big bulb head came to Earth years before Arnold and his army boys got theirs asses kicked by the predator's species. Cool thing here is that the alien hunted humans for trophies with a living creature that looked like a cross between a ninja's throwing star and a starfish. This crazy looking disc stuck to would be victims and killed 'em dead as a hammer quick like! I thought this movie was the shit when I 1st saw it and it still is a ton of fun to watch. It definitely deserves some sort of overacting hall of fame award with a cast like Jack Palance, Martin Landau, Cameron Mitchell, and Neville Brand. If that cast list doesn't make your eyes get teary, what does? Sweet flick, lots of fun, great cast, bad acting, and a trophy killin' alien that throws human-mauling sucker discs put this thing right at the top of my horror sc-fi list of lost drive-in pleasures. It normally gets shitty revs, but I'm tellin' you this thing is great and must be seen.
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.0 - 6 votes cast total