Wizards Of The Demon Sword (1997)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This Fred Olen Ray directed Sword and Sorcery non-epic must have sat on the shelf for a number of years as it features Ray's ex-wife as an evil sorceress, along with Russ Tamblyn and Lawrence Tierney, who were obviously hard up for work before TWIN PEAKS and RESERVOIR DOGS. Prehistoric warrior Blake Bahner (he's the psycho in MANGLED ALIVE) must defeat the evil Khoura, portrayed by an over eye-shadowed Lyle Waggoner. For most of the movie he travels across the desert, occasionally fighting other barbarians who come out of nowhere. There's also some dinosaurs--previously seen in PLANET OF THE DINOSAURS--the film's most elaborate effects. If you're looking for a sword and sorcery fix don't look at this movie--rent out CONAN for the twelfth time.
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