Movie Review by The Gravedigger
X-MEN 2: 2003 This sequel is better than the first XMEN movie, with a better story, more action and more mutants. Here, a government man named Stryker wants to eliminate all mutants from the face of the Earth. The way he wants to do this is to capture Xavier and make him use Cerebro to find all the mutants and kill them. And there's also a very close tie between Stryker and Wolverine's past. It's pretty much nonstop. The triangle between Jean Grey, Cyclops and Wolverine is played up a bit, as is the relationship between Rogue and Iceman. And Magneto plays a surprising role. I also liked the appearances of the other X-Men, such as Colossus, Kitty Pryde and Jubilee. Best of all, NIGHTCRAWLER looks exactly how he's supposed to (well, plus some weird body heiroglyphics). So, if you thought the first X movie was just 'so, so', see this. It more than makes up for what the first was lacking.
Rating: 7.0 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total