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X-Men (2000)
Movie Review by The Undertaker

X-Men (2000) Whenever a movie based on a marvel comic comes out, I'm filled with the mixed emotions of joy, dread, and wonder. I've always been a big fan of X-Men the comic and hoped to some day see a cool movie pop up from the pages of the book. One the other hand, I have seem most of the TV shows and films Marvel has been associated with and that scares me... a lot. I never saw X-Men in the theater because I was just too afraid my favorite mutants would just come off as a fucked up mess of a film, I stayed away. After recently plunking down the change to get the 1.5 DVD set, I finally made myself sit down and take it like a man. Good or bad or fucked up, I decided it was time to see this. Turns out that X-Men wasn't so bad after all. I mean I could sit here and pick apart some of the characters, costumes, and situations, but for the most part it was entertaining. It's not the perfect translation of the comic or the best representation of its heroes and villains, but I doubt any movie could ever be. Just take it for what it is (a big money Hollywood action film cashing in on what us comic fans have known was cool for years) and you'll be fine with it too. The thing I hated the most was at the end when they made Toad look like some kinda bad-ass, hahahahaha! Come the fuck on, Toad ain't never done shit and couldn't beat one, much less three of any X-Men at anytime. There were cooler villinas they could have used. Well, maybe that's what part two will be for. The action was good and a few of the characters were done well. Some were just fucked up, but I don't wanna think about it too much. Overall, I was entertained more than impressed by X-Men. Honestly, I still prefer the books and always will.
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