This is an interesting read. What I liked about it is that it concentrates on Kirk's formative years when he lived in Iowa and had two parents in Starlet and how that influenced him. It's also of note that his parents actually outlived him and are very much a presence during all his adventures. This follows events from the television series and the movies, pretty much ignoring information that was supplied in the novels (such as in Star Trek: the Motion Picture-when the two people beam up, one of them was his girlfriend-here, it's just an ambiguous Starfleet officer who dies in the transporter accident). Also, the movie STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER is completely dismissed as a made-up tale. Overall, this biography is sort of a damper, as Kirk isn't really happy or satisfied, particularly with missing out on a family life. He grieves the death of his son and isn't happy about retiring from Star Fleet (at the beginning of STAR TREK: GENERATIONS). It's interesting but that's about it.