This "biography" is an amazing introduction to the character of Doc Savage, from his origins, to his companions and his various inventions and epic exploits. The first chapter goes into detail about Doc's creator, Lester Dent, and how he wrote nearly a hundred and fifty original books between the early 1930's and late 40's. Then it's Doc's origins, his headquarters in the Empire State Building. A lot of the inventions that Dent came up for his character were written about years before they became commonplace, such as radar. Sometimes Farmer gets bogged down with too much detail-such as the exact number of floors Doc has his headquarters in or how tall he is or if his eyes are really golden color (discrepancies in the original books), but overall, this is the most thorough book I've read about the Bronze Giant. I read this book over thirty years ago and it was a great refresher. There's also a revised "family tree", which ties him to Tarzan and Sherlock Holmes, among others. Highly recommended.