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Elseworlds: Batman Volume 1 (2016)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger

Elseworlds: Batman Volume 1 (2016) This thick graphic novel collection reprints the first of the Batman Elseworld's stories, which are sort of the equivalent to Marvel's "What if?" series. In Alan Brennert's BATMAN: HOLY TERROR, we are presented a Bruce Wayne and Gotham in a reality where the British won the Revolutionary War and realizes that his government is corrupt. In BATMAN: THE BLUE, THE GREY AND THE BAT, it's 1863 and Bruce Wayne, as The Batman, works directly for the President, Abraham Lincoln. He's dispatched to the West, where he teams up with half-Native American, Red Bird (Robin!). The ROBIN 3000 stories, which take place in the far future,really didn't grab me. In BATMAN/DARK JOKER: THE WILD, we're in a magical realm and the Waynes give birth to a half human/half bat creature that may be a force for good. BATMAN/HOUDINI: THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP is interesting, as is the take on Frankenstein, CASTLE OF THE BAT. But I think one of my favorite of this whole book is BATMAN IN DARKEST KNIGHT, where Bruce Wayne obtains a Green Lantern ring.

Overall, this is a wide variety of stories and if you like alternate reality tales you'll love these odd takes on The Dark Knight. Highly recommended.

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